Deep sea exploration is viewed by marine scientists as one of the greatest scientific challenges of the future. This gigantic research area is a little known world. A mere one percent of this habitat has been explored to date. In collaboration with the MARUM Research Center in Bremen,Tomorrow Today's five-part series presents a fascinating glimpse into the work of marine researchers. The MARUM scientist Wolfgang Bach researches one of the most remarkable structures in the deep sea. The professor at Bremen University studies the hydrothermal vents called black smokers. Some of these chimney-like hot water springs on the sea bed are formed in the mid-Atlantic,in an area known as the Logatchev Field where tectonic plates are moving apart and a new ocean floor is emerging from below. How the black smokers come into being,and what enables molluscs,shrimp and crabs to exist in their chemically aggressive environment are just two of the questions that Wolfgang Bach wants to answer.