Turkish Sat Commandos Training - Underwater Assaults - 1991
This video was recorded in Early 90s. ------------------------------------- The special forces within the Turkish Armed Forces are one of the finest among their counterparts throughout the world. Despite the fact that there are many other special operations commando units, such as the Mountain Commando Brigades, Gendarmerie Commandos and Marine Corps, within the Turkish Armed Forces, they do not fall under the definition/classification of modern day special forces. UNDERWATER ASSAULT TEAMS (Su Alti Taaruz - SAT) Their main tasks are: - Surveillance on enemy structures, facilities, defense systems or strategically relevant buildings. - Covert sabotage against naval units and/or enemy structures. - Covert landing and infiltration. - Reconnaissance on beaches being considered for amphibious landing operations. - Determining secure landing paths. - Underwater recon within 2.5 m deep water/beach corridors. - Direct action during first wave of landing missions. - Hostage/POW/downed pilot rescue. - Counter-terrorism missions. - Close Quarter Combat. Training and Duration: BUD/S: Indoctrination Period - 5 weeks Phase I (Basic conditioning + Hell Week) - 9 weeks Phase II (Diving) - 8 weeks Phase III (Land Warfare) - 9 weeks Post BUD/S: Airborne Training - 3 weeks Special Ops Technical Training - 2 weeks Medical Training - 30 weeks Platoon Training - 18 months OKK/MAK, SAS or SAT, every Special Operations mission needs absolute secrecy and stealth. In consequence to these ...